Topic: LOUIS RIEL needs your help ... We're almost there
Babbler # 13335
posted 09 April 2007 09:32 PM
Thanks to everyone who stood tall against Torys, fascist and racists. LOUIS RIEL has made the Final Four of the context to pick the Greatest and Most Inspirational Canadian Politician.Just 2 rounds left. Voting in this round is open now and closes at 1159 PM eastern time zone, Thursday 12 April. Vote at: There should be no question Riel is better than Duplessis but from past round it look like Duplessis dead stuffs the ballot box as much as Duplessis alive. We need your help. Defend Riel. Avenge Riel. Vote Riel ... You can vote only once per IP address but it looks like the system unblocks every half day or full day so try voting again. Spread the word it is important. Still not sure how to vote? Maybe this photo of Riel on trial for his life in a white man Kangaroo court will help clear things up for you
From: Canada | Registered: Oct 2006
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Babbler # 13335
posted 10 April 2007 08:59 PM
We are being watched. Look here our talk about IP addresses already being relayed to Hudak what like minutes after we post here.What garbage on that site. hateful talk like quote: Syphilitic Dementia is the only plausible explanation
and quote: God, some of those people need a mental check-up. Note they neglect to mention Riel was also an extreme delusional religious fanatic, who took it upon himself to try to rename the days of the week
Maybe they should read Tom Flanagan [big right winger] in PROPHET OF THE NEW WORLD page 161 where he says quote: Although Riel's new names may seem strange today because they were never put into use, one should remember that renaming is a fundamental aspect of politics. During the French revolution the Jacobins brought in a new calendar that replaced the old pagan names of the days and months with 'rational' names related to the characteristics of the seasons...New names put forward by a failed leader seem like whimsy in retrospect, but the impulse of renaming is far from whimsical.
From: Canada | Registered: Oct 2006
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Babbler # 11323
posted 11 April 2007 06:22 AM
quote: Originally posted by Le Téléspectateur: Seriously, why are you guys getting emotional about winning a web pole on some PC guy's webpage?And why do you think that it should be posted in the aboriginal issues and culture forum?
The "aboriginal" part must be because of Louis Riel. The "culture" part must be because of the horrible bacteria which grow on PC websites. And the sidescroll is annoying.
From: Vote QS! | Registered: Dec 2005
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Babbler # 13335
posted 12 April 2007 06:35 PM
Need more votes for RIEL!!!! is crazy cant let Duplessis win. Duplessis was a thug. He sent thousands of children to mental hospitals to save money.]
quote: "The diagnoses were always swift — the children went to bed orphans and woke up psychiatric patients. The reason? Shrewd fiscal planning; federal subsidies paid out more to hospitals than to orphanages. Some children allegedly endured lobotomies, electroshock, straitjackets and abuse"
[URL=[/URL] The amount of hate against RIEL and against us is terrible. Many hurtful words It is like they want to hang him all over
Vote LOUIS RIEL. Please Time running out [ 12 April 2007: Message edited by: saigon ] [ 12 April 2007: Message edited by: saigon ]
From: Canada | Registered: Oct 2006
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