It is over, lasted only 24 hours. It was stupid. Not the fighting for aboriginal rights, rather the fact that it wasnt us there, and this group really has no support whatsoever, except for its membership.The following was sent to each home on my reserve:
" In response to the blockade of Highway 117 by the Communaute d'Autochtone de River Desert, we the Algonquins at Kitigan Zibi do not recognize or support this group call themselves "people of River Desert"
River Desert 18 was the name given by Indian Affairs to our community in 1851. This was changed to Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg in 1993. These people blocking Highway 117 are not people of River Desert, or Kitigan Zibi for that matter.
Whoever they are, they are not Alognquins from Kitigan Zibi. They do not speak for us. We Algonquins at Kitigan Zibi are quite capable of speaking on our own behalf. We do not need them.
Chief Stephen McGregor and the Band Council
Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg"
This basically is the view of most people from Gatineau to Val D'Or!
As for myself, I believe that this raodblock was a step backwards for all native groups. When non-natives can suddenly be "autochtone" because their great grandpas dog once lived on a reserve, and they in turn attempt to speak for the real deal, they hurt the cause.
Edited for spelling
[ 16 March 2007: Message edited by: SavageInTheCity ]