Stop the Impunity Surrounding the Deaths and Disappearance of Indigenous Women in Canada!!Rally Against Racist Police Inaction and Impunity
Wednesday February 14, 2007, 12 noon, Outside Police Headquarters at Bay and College
Speakers and drumming, followed by a social at the Native women’s resource centre.
Hundreds of Indigenous women have been murdered or gone missing over the last 30 years. We come together in defense of our lives and to demonstrate the complicity of the colonizer state and its institutions - police, RCMP, coroner's offices and the courts, in the ongoing genocide against First Nations'. Indigenous communities are over policed and Indigenous girls make up the fastest growing prison population- while their deaths go uninvestigated and their killers unpunished.
We call on all people in this country to take a stand - NO MORE SILENCE!!
Bring your drums!
No More Silence aims to develop a national network of local, Indigenous led coalitions, in solidarity with allies to support the initiatives of independent Indigenous women working to stop the disappearances and end impunity.