Hi everyone,
My name is Grace, and I am currently doing research for my thesis paper on First Nations Education (exact title: "First Nations Education: From Destruction to Reconstruction of Native Identities").I am desperately looking for FN and mainstream Canadian teachers who would be willing to fill in a questionnaire on cultural responsiveness in First Nations education (teaching at provincially administered schools or at reserve schools).
I am also looking for First Nations people who would be willing to give me a statement on their visions of an empowering K-12 education for their children.
Please e-mail (graziella@uni-koblenz.de) me if you are willing to fill in a questionnaire or send me a statement on your ideas of an empowering K-12 education for First Nations students but don't forget to state your name (first name will do), age, perhaps the First Nation you belong to, and your location.
I'd really appreciate that.
Thanks in advance.